Support journalism in Montrose and the surrounding areas by powering professional, in-depth reporting about your community. We think local news should be free and accessible to all. Help us keep it that way by making a pledge today.
Support your local press. Every article we write about the local business environment, community news and more is made possible by your donation. The more members we have, the more coverage of these important issues we can do.
- MBT Press Club T-Shirt & Mug
- Name listed on our membership directory in the publication and online
- Free entry to the Annual Small Business Awards
Above and beyond. Open records requests, camera equipment, digital flipbook technology and time are all expensive. Membership at this level allows our newsroom to provide detailed reporting and solutions-based journalism, ensuring our community’s high quality of life for years to come.
- MBT Press Club T-Shirt & Mug
- Name listed on our membership directory in the publication and online
- Free entry to the Annual Small Business Awards
- Free business card size ad in publication once a month
The future is bright. This level is available for a limited time as we lay the MBT Press Club foundations. In addition to a plaque for your home or office, you’ll receive recognition in the MBT offices forever. Your commitment to a vibrant local press will be displayed proudly to all guests that walk through our doors.
- Limited Edition Commemorative Plaque recognizing your Charter Membership
- MBT Press Club T-Shirt & Mug
- Name listed on our membership directory in the publication and online
- Free entry to the Annual Small Business Awards & Annual Montrose
- Region Economic Outlook Event
- Free business card size ad in publication once a month